David's story began on April 28th 2010. Mary and Andy knew that he would have a serious heart condition and possibly other developmental problems. David was born at 8lbs 14oz, and after being held by his mother for a few short moments he was wisked away for a battery of tests.
Since that time he has spent his short life in the hospital, often in the most critical section of the NICU. He has proven himself a fighter, and has survived many ups and downs through great medical care and the prayers and faith of many who care about him and his family.
Mary, Andy, or both are often at the hospital sitting with David and talking to him. This has been an incredible trial for their family, but they will tell you that they have felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit throughout it.
After five surgeries (as of June 2010), multiple blood transfusions, and round the clock intensive care since birth, David's medical bills have already amounted to well over a million dollars. Insurance will pay for a portion of that amount, but the Sullivans will still be left with a crippling amount of debt. A Wells Fargo donation account has been set up in David's name and this blog has been set up for another convenient way to donate. Together we can make a dent in the mounting medical bills and show the Sullivans that we care!
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Thanks for setting up this site to help them! I was wondering if you have considered an on-line auction? I am sure a lot of people will just donate money and would prefer it that way, which is great. But I have seen on-line auctions also raise a lot of money to helpe people in need. We have a family firend with breast cancer and his daughter-in-law did an on-line auction and raised $19,713.00. You can read about the auction here: http://thedailyabbott.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-01-27T22%3A02%3A00-08%3A00. If you do not have time to organize such a thing I would be happy to if you give me access to this blog. You can leave a comment on my blog: bigadventuresblog.blogspot.com. Thanks again, Amanda Colby