Simply click the "donate" button above and enter the amount you would like to donate in the box that comes up. Do what you can--every little bit helps! You can use a credit card or a paypal account if you have one. Paypal is known for being one of the safest ways to use your credit card online.
In the interest of full disclosure, Paypal does take a small cut of each transaction: 2.2% of the donation amount plus 30 cents. This would be the equivalent of $2.50 of a donation of $100. We feel this is worth the convenience of donating online. Outside of this small percentage, 100% of the donation will go to the Sullivan familiy.
Lastly, spread the word! If you know of anyone else who would be interested in donating pass along the link. Thank you for helping!
Thanks for setting this up, Beth. What a great way to help.